Courtney Roserie, AMFT

Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

Adolescent/Young Adults | Unresolved Trauma | Identity Formation

an image of Courtney Roserie smiling at the camera

Are you feeling stuck in unwanted thoughts, habits, and behaviors that don’t align with the person or future you’ve envisioned for yourself?

These challenges, coupled with daily stressors, and unexpected changes, may have you feeling as if you’re unable to catch your breath or find your footing. You may notice you feel more overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or dissatisfied with the direction of your life. You may even be telling yourself that it’s best to go it alone due to worry of being misunderstood, fear that your problems would be a burden to others, or that your circumstances are “unfixable”, despite your best efforts.

My name is Courtney Roserie, Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (AMFT 115253) under the supervision of Christina LaMonica (LCSW#74312) and I’m here to help. I utilize hope, humor, faith, and optimism, along with CBT, Narrative, and Client-Centered therapeutic practices in treatment with individuals and couples. Together we will develop unique goals and strategies that align with the vision you have for yourself today and for your future tomorrow. My philosophy is and always will be “you are worthy of living the life you desire and dream of”.

I received my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Cal State Fullerton University and my Master’s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy at Chapman University. My professional experience and specialty are in outpatient therapy with adolescents (15 – 17 years old) and transitional aged young adults (18 – 25 years old). I offer therapeutic support with overcoming anxiety, depression, unresolved trauma, chronic stress, and bipolar symptoms, as well as address challenges related to identity formation, boundary issues, life transitions, and relationship difficulties. I would be honored to journey alongside you, as you release what no longer serves you, and embrace the possibilities of your best life.

Ready to start healing?

Schedule an appointment with Courtney Roserie today.